Military Embedded Systems

Company Directory

LDRA Technology

2540 King Arthur Blvd, Suite #228
Lewisville, TX 75056
[email protected]
LDRA Technology
Articles related to LDRA Technology

Legacy x86 code reaches modern standards - Product

February 04, 2011
As new certification standards arise in the avionics, industrial control, and other industries, legacy x86 applications are required to recertify.

Legacy enhancement: Nightmare or dream? - Story

August 14, 2009
It can be a real nightmare when a customer wants a new solution based upon legacy software for which the original developers left no clear indication of design criteria. But finding the proper analysis methodologies and tool suites can help developers get a good night's rest.

Legacy code in the security-critical age - Story

July 08, 2008
The cost and convenience advantages of legacy code reuse can be diminished or complicated when security and safety-critical risks are considered. If the legacy code is proven to be functionally correct and operationally viable, its acceptance is based on an assumption of what is expected to happen. However, it is the unexpected that typically causes faults, and structural testing provides a means of mitigating the unexpected.