Mission-critical display agreement signed between Haivision and U.S. Navy
NewsSeptember 03, 2024

MONTREAL, Canada. Haivision Systems announced that its subsidiary Haivision MCS won a five-year production agreement with the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) to equip U.S. Navy vessels with a comprehensive suite of Haivision ultra-high- performance video-processing solutions for mission-critical display along with video transcoding, storage, and distribution components.
The company estimates the total value of the agreement at approximately $61.2 million ($82.9 million Canadian).
According to the announcement, the Navy will leverage these systems across the service's Surface Combatant Fleet to perform tasks integral to the Navy's Combat Information Centers (CICs) across various surface combatant vessels in order to enhance situational awareness and mission-planning capabilities in support of the Navy’s future combat systems, including those planned for AEGIS destroyers, aircraft carriers, amphibious ships, frigates, littoral combat ships, and next-generation Coast Guard cutters, among other critical applications.
This latest award is in addition to Haivision's operations with the ongoing U.S. Navy CANES (Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services) program, which uses Haivision’s state-of-the-art real-time video encoding, transcoding, recording, and playback technology for shipwide video distribution.