AI-enabled software project kicks off between RTI and U.S. Air Force
NewsAugust 27, 2024

SUNNYVALE, Calif. MIssion-critical software company Real-Time Innovations won a $1.25 million Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II contract intended to help the U.S. Air Force create a secure, standardized, and reliable artificial intelligence (AI) framework for interaction between software agents, humans, and target environments.
RTI's RTI Connext tool will be used as the open standards communication backbone for the effort; according to the company's announcement, Connext addresses the distributed communication needs for critical systems of all sizes, enabling heightened modularity and less code, which also brings down development costs. The announcement describes Connext as a tool that offers access control, security, self-discovery, and extensive operational deployment in critical systems. It is also supported by both open-source and commercial implementations.
This RTI/Air Force project will use model-based systems engineering and robust testing to create autonomous systems that meet the safety, security, and reliability requirements needed for using long range, non-lethal drones for surveillance, electronic warfare (EW), and communications.
RTI’s latest contract is part of a larger collection of SBIR-funded efforts focused on applying technology developments, such as generative AI, to improve the autonomous capabilities of unmanned platforms and human-machine interfaces.