Military Embedded Systems

Company Directory

GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc.

5 Necco Street
Boston, MA 02210
GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc.
Articles related to GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc.

Designing COTS for data security - Story

January 21, 2016
FPGA technology, for example, can be used to provide a "security hub" around which an antitamper strategy can be built.

Choosing a processor a balancing act - Story

November 26, 2015
Designers consider performance vs. flexibility, as well as thermal management for processors.

Cool power sensation - Story

October 05, 2015
Sensor platforms are proliferating around the edges of the network in both the civilian and the military spheres. For examples, think of the remote devices on buses, trucks, and oil rigs that are monitored via the Internet of Things or the unmanned surveillance nodes in the network-centered warfare infrastructure. To be effective, these "edge" devices need to be as self-sufficient as possible, not just in processing capability but also in energy use.

GE embedded computing business bought by Veritas Capital - Blog

September 23, 2015
Rumors were flying last week, but the official announcement that GE was selling its embedded computing business – which falls under GE Energy Management’s Intelligent Platforms subdivision – to venture capital firm Veritas Capital in New York City didn't hit the wires till yesterday.

Metadata: When target video data is not enough - Story

September 11, 2015
Metadata adds situational awareness of the pilot sitting thousands of miles away from the target

Predictive analytics and the industrial IoT: Thinking about military adoption - Story

September 10, 2015
The amount of attention being paid to the "Industrial Internet" or Internet of Things (IoT) has spiked dramatically over the past year or two. While some of this is clearly natural hype over a "new new thing," it is also true that the combination of brilliant machines, ubiquitous connectivity, and powerful analytics carries truly transformative potential. The question facing individuals and organizations across the world, including militaries, is: "How do we make the vision real?"