Avionics RTOS from DDC-I to power new Honeywell cockpit system
NewsDecember 22, 2021

PHOENIX. DDC-I's DO-178 Deos multicore real-time operating system (RTOS) has been chosen by Honeywell to host its new Honeywell Anthem cloud-native cockpit system, an always-on cloud-connected flight deck system that is intended to improve autonomy and flight efficiency.
In Honeywell's announcement about the DDC-I selection, Larry Miller, Honeywell’s Real Time Operating Systems Chief Engineer, cited several reasons for the choice, including that the Deos implements fine-grained cache partitioning in software rather than in hardware, plus that it promotes software modularity and binary reuse, which reduces Honeywell's need to reapply the Anthem system from one aircraft type to the next.
The Deos RTOS has long been certified to DO-178C Design Assurance Level (DAL) A, a requirement for the most critical military airborne systems and all large passenger commercial aircraft. In addition, Deos has a FACE conformant safety base and safety extended profiles enabling hard real-time response; time and space partitioning; and rate monotonic, ARINC-653, and POSIX interfaces.