Military Embedded Systems

Israeli data centers secured from cyber attacks with QuantLR and NVIDIA


January 18, 2022

Emma Helfrich

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

Stock photo.

MODI'IN, Israel. QuantLR Ltd, a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) company, announced that it has integrated its technology with NVIDIA's suite of networking offerings, in the hopes of establishing a quantum-secured data center.

As part of the project, QuantLR claims that the company's QKD system connected and transferred encryption keys to two NVIDIA ConnectX-6 network interface cards (NIC). The interface was achieved using the ETSI REST-based key delivery application programming interface (API). 

Officials claim thast the project was conducted within the framework of a consortium which is partially funded by the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) and the Israel Ministry of Defense - Directorate of Defense Research & Development, and supported by the Israeli Quantum initiative led by Dr. Tal David.

According to CEO of QuantLR Shlomi Cohen, the company's quantum encryption solutions are designed to be secured solutions against eavesdropping and hacking attempts to communication lines that have been increasing alongside innovations such as artificial intelligence and 5G.


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