Israel's Ofeq 13 satellite sends first high-quality images
NewsApril 11, 2023

TEL AVIV, Israel. Approximately two weeks after launch, Israel's "Ofek 13" satellite has sent its first high-quality images to the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) control station, IAI announced in a statement. The Israel Ministry of Defense, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), and IAI have been collaborating to activate the satellite's synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) and conduct a series of tests on all its systems and subsystems.
Since the launch on March 29, the IAI and Israel Ministry of Defense teams have been gradually activating the satellite, including its SAR payload. Engineering teams will continue testing to prepare the satellite for operational use, following the pre-planned protocol, the statement reads.
The "Ofek 13" satellite is a SAR observation satellite After the completion of the In Orbit Tests led by IAI, the Defense Research and Development Directorate (DDR&D), and the IDF, the Israel Ministry of Defense will deliver the satellite to the IDF's 9900 Intelligence Unit for operational use.