EGI-M navigation system for airborne platforms completes CDR
NewsSeptember 03, 2020

FALLS CHURCH, Va. Northrop Grumman Corporation has completed the critical design review (CDR) milestone for the Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS)-Modernization, or EGI-M, program.
EGI-M aims to provide state-of-the-art airborne navigation capabilities with an open architecture that is designed to enable rapid responses to future threats. The fully modernized system integrates new M-Code capable GPS receivers, provides interoperability with civil controlled air space, and implements a new resilient time capability.
Northrop Grumman’s modular platform interface design is intended to enable backwards compatibility with existing platform footprint and interfaces (A-Kits), allowing current platforms to integrate and deploy Northrop Grumman’s EGI-M solution. At the same time, EGI-M’s modular software/hardware, coupled with government ownership of key interfaces, is designed to allow EGI-M to benefit from rapid upgrades.
Northrop Grumman has been on contract for the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase of EGI-M since November 2018. The CDR milestone marks the completion of detailed hardware and software design of the EGI-M product line. The launch platforms for Northrop Grumman’s EGI-M are F-22 and E-2D. Additional fixed-wing and rotary-wing platforms across Department of Defense and allied forces have already selected Northrop Grumman’s EGI-M as their future navigation solution.