Safety-critical COTS SBC IP enables design, build, and certification aligned with SOSA and HOST
NewsSeptember 16, 2019

DAYTON, Ohio. Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. (CoreAVI) announced the release of its new rugged SBC0003 COTS 3U VPX NXP LX2160-based single board computer hardware design IP with Arm architecture, designed to be aligned with the SOSA and HOST open standards.
CoreAVI’s COTS-D product line, part of its safety-critical offering, enables customers with IP, including design source files and required DO-254 certification evidence, to allow them to immediately manufacture and certify SBCs and graphics modules.
Intended for use in high-performance aerospace and defense applications, the SBC0003 has such integrated features as ECC, parity, support for hardware-assisted virtualization and partitioning enforcement, plus built-in safety and security blocks that make it suitable for robust applications. The offering was designed with Arm 64-bit Armv8-A Cortex -A72 cores.
The SBC0003, though a single-slot 3U VPX system, does include an XMC2 expansion site. The SBC0003 is RTCA DO-254/EASA ED-80 certifiable up to DAL A, with the data needed to support safety certification, and is fully compatible with GPM0001, CoreAVI’s 3U VPX E9171-based graphics module.