Military Embedded Systems

PODCAST: Sensor processing at the edge, being SOSA aligned, and DoD acquisition process


May 28, 2024

John McHale

Editorial Director

Military Embedded Systems

How artificial intelligence (AI) at the edge is defined often depends who you are speaking with and their market. For military electronics I think the best definition comes from Jake Braegelmann, Vice President of Business Development at New Wave Design, who says the edge is where the sensor collects the data and AI can enable the filtering of that data in real-time to get actionable intelligence to decision makers. In this podcast he and I discuss that concept in depth as well as the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) modular open system approach (MOSA) mandate. Jake talks about what it means to be aligned to the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Technical Standard and dives into some common misconceptions about the standard.

Click here to listen.

Jake also shares news about his company’s recent name change and new website.

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