Virtual FACE/SOSA TIM event March 23
NewsFebruary 17, 2021

SOLOMONS, Maryland. Officials from the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) and the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Consortia will be leading the Open Group FACE and SOSA Consortia Expo & Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) virtual event next month on March 23, 2021 from 11 am to 4 pm Est.
The TIM's keynote speakers include: Vice Admiral Dean Peters, Commander, Naval Air Systems Command; Gary Kurtz, SES, Program Executive Officer, Aviation Common Systems & Commercial Services (PEO (CS)), Department of Navy, ASN (RD&A); Randall Walden, SES, Director and Program Executive Officer for the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office; and Brigadier General Robert Collins, U.S. Army Program Executive Officer for Command, Control, Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T). For more agenda details, click here.
The TIM, sponsored by AdaCore with additional supporting sponsors, is a one-day technical exhibition and TIM focusing on new advancements and the progress being made for functionality and interoperability of modular open system environments. The event features Tri-Service experts and select members in the FACE and the SOSA Consortia. The TIM is open to the public and free to attend.
Advance registration for the complimentary pass and WebEx access is required. Click here to register no later than March 18, 2021. Attendees will be a mix of program managers, procurement managers, across all the services as well as their contractors and suppliers.
The event, originally to be an in-person event, is now virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For more information, visit
For more SOSA news, please check out our SOSA Update e-newsletter archive.
For more on the 2019 TIM event and expo, held in Dayton, Ohio, please read our coverage.
Overall event review: Government and industry partnership driving FACE and SOSA success
FACE member roundtable: FACE conformance becoming a necessity
SOSA member roundtable: SOSA initiative gaining momentum in defense electronics community