RF and microwave components pact signed between Metamagnetics, Azure Summit Technology
OtherMay 22, 2023

MARLBOROUGH, Mass. RF and microwave provider Metamagnetics officially signed an $11 million contract for the "Shenandoah" program with RF solution provider Azure Summit Technology (Fairfax, Virginia); the contract includes one year of full rate production of the Auto-tune Filter (AtF) component and includes options for the entire follow-on production, possibly worth another $32 million through 2030.
The Metamagnetics AtF provides automatic selective attenuation (also called signal limiting) of above-threshold power signals while all other signals propagate unaltered, a capability that enables mitigation of EMS threats and interference with improved performance at a fraction of the cost.
According to the companies' announcement, Metamagnetics' RF and microwave components improve the resiliency of sensing and communications systems operating in a dense or uncooperative spectrum environment, while Azure Summit Technology develops and delivers high-performance RF hardware, firmware, and software products; multichannel software-defined radio (SDR) solutions for defense use; plus multifunction RF systems solutions that address emerging missions of national importance for U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) customers.