Military Embedded Systems

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4545 E. Shea Blvd., Suite 210
Phoenix, AZ 85028
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Articles related to DDC-I

Cache partitioning increases CPU utilization for safety-critical multicore applications - Story

March 12, 2013
Cache partitioning reduces worst-case execution time for critical tasks, thereby enhancing CPU utilization, especially for multicore applications.

Solving the processor challenges for safety-critical software - Story

October 12, 2011
Multicore, hyperthreading, Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS), and DMA are modern processor features aiming to optimize average-case execution times. Such optimizations can result in challenges for safety-critical software designers, who must focus on worst-case behavior, though. However, these issues can be successfully mitigated.

Migrating safety-critical software in military and aerospace systems - Story

June 20, 2011
DO-178B applications face reverification and recertification with the impending migration to DO-178C standard.

Migrating complex embedded systems - Story

June 24, 2008
Migrating today's complex military and commercial avionics systems can be quite a daunting proposition, but several steps can be taken to alleviate some of the headache.

Merging legacy software into contemporary system design - Story

April 02, 2008
As defense industry software developers transition from Ada to Java and upgrade their hardware, they must do so in a way that protects existing application software. Mixed language development tools that support real-time and safety-critical Java as well as stalwarts such as Ada and C provide a seamless upgrade path that enhances productivity while preserving legacy code.