Military Embedded Systems

Company Directory

Cambridge Pixel

New Cambridge House, Litlington, Royston, Herts
, SG8 0ss
[email protected]
Cambridge Pixel
Articles related to Cambridge Pixel

Real-time image compositing: Software displaces hardware for radar displays - Story

July 08, 2008
Historically handled by specialist hardware, the display of real-time radar video with multi-layer graphics is now solved with high-performance COTS software processing and graphics platforms. Fusing multicore computing platforms with high-performance graphics chips provides enhanced performance, lower costs, and easier maintenance through common hardware components.

Real-time image compositing: Software displaces hardware for radar displays - Story

July 08, 2008
Historically handled by specialist hardware, the display of real-time radar video with multi-layer graphics is now solved with high-performance COTS software processing and graphics platforms. Fusing multicore computing platforms with high-performance graphics chips provides enhanced performance, lower costs, and easier maintenance through common hardware components.