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Articles related to AdaCore

Software warranties -- A new era? - Story

September 23, 2009
When anyone buys a television, a car, or even a ballpoint pen, the purchaser expects it to work properly. This assumption is backed by the legal machinery of warranties and consumer protection legislation. So software carries the same protection, right? Wrong! Historically, commercial software products have been sold with absolutely no claims that they are fit for purpose or free of vulnerabilities. But that might be changing, thanks to several factors.

'Legacy' is not a four-letter word - Story

January 14, 2009
Although people often have a negative attitude about so-called "legacy" code, the widespread use of legacy software is one of success. It not only reduces effort, but also increases reliability. Modern programming languages that promote reuse of existing code strengthen this tradition.

Ada matters! - Story

May 09, 2008
The computing industry is rather peculiar: If a technology is not the latest and greatest, people think it has vanished entirely. You can, for example, often meet otherwise knowledgeable people who think that mainframes and COBOL have completely disappeared.