Military Embedded Systems

Software-defined radios from ITT Exelis will use LynxOS-SE RTOS


November 12, 2012

John McHale

Editorial Director

Military Embedded Systems

SAN JOSE, CA. ITT Exelis engineers are using the LynxOS -SE real-time operating system (RTOS) from LynuxWorks for a new line of software-defined radios (SDRs) that utilize the Rifleman Radio, Soldier Radio, and SideHat variants for the U.S. and International operators.

The Lynx-OS-SE partitioning technology enables its use in complex security requirements such as military SDRs, says Robert Day, LynuxWorks vice president of marketing.

Within the LynxOS-SE RTOS designers enable safety, security, and reliability via Virtual Machine (VM) brick-wall partitions, which make it impossible for system events from one partition to interfere with events in another. Resources and memory are never shared between the partitions, each of which run as a virtual machine with dedicated resources. An ARINC 653-based fixed-cyclic scheduling algorithm makes sure that the system is safe and deterministic by providing each partition with fixed cycles of execution time.

The RTOS also has discretionary auditing, access control, roles, privileges, identification and authentication, quotas, and trusted paths. It is available on PowerPC, Intel x86, Intel Atom, and ARM architectures.

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