LEO satellites and drones will 'change the face' of communications: report
NewsSeptember 23, 2022

DUBLIN, Ireland. A new report predicts that drones coupled with low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites will "change the face of modern communications."
The report on the satellite services market, from Research and Markets, states that a growing demand for satellite coverage in a world where land-based wireless covers just 14% of the globe is helping drive this market growth.
"There is a market need for additional satellite types to provide bandwidth on demand, uninterrupted connectivity, and support for mission-critical operations that require ultra-reliable communications," the report states. "While 5G is poised to dramatically increase terrestrial radiodensity, coverage is not a strong suit, and thus the need for satellites to fill in the holes. Satellites will also be an option for 5G backhaul."
The report also states that the market will "spawn economic development value up to 50 times the combined cost of capital expenditures to deploy infrastructure and operational expenses to maintain systems."