Military Embedded Systems

Ethernet switch/router aims at connectivity within OpenVPX or SOSA aligned embedded system


June 05, 2024

Lisa Daigle

Assistant Managing Editor

Military Embedded Systems

Image courtesy Aitech

CHATSWORTH, Calif. Aitech Systems announced the M622, a fully managed 10 GbE/40 GbE Ethernet switch/router on an XMC that is designed for use in embedded and harsh-environment applications with SWaP-C (size, weight, power, and cost) constraints.

The M622 -- based on an advanced and flexible Layer 2/Laye r3 (L2/L3) Ethernet switch and packet processor reaching up to 320 Gb/sec of full wire-speed bandwidth -- was designed for internal connectivity within any OpenVPX or SOSAT aligned ruggedized embedded system, between modern SBCs and other processing and I/O boards. 

According to the Aitech announcement, the part will facilitate modern onboard Ethernet-based digital backbones and networks with requirements for IPv4/IPv6 routing, time synchronization, security, high reliability, and support for network redundancy. The high-speed switch/router is also aimed at markedly improving a platform's reliability and survivability in the field by offering a fast-boot mode, which enables the switch to be fully configured and ready for operation within 45 seconds after a power-up or restart event.

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