Lynx chooses LDRA as FACE verification authority for mission-critical avionics
NewsSeptember 13, 2022
BOSTON, Mass. Mission-critical software company LDRA announced that it has been chosen as the FACE [Future Airborne Capability Environment] Verification Authority (VA) for Lynx Software Technologies, a company that develops open architecture software solutions for mission-critical embedded systems. Lynx will earn independent validation and verification (IVV) of its software -- designed to conform with the latest FACE Technical Standard, edition 3.1 -- as it works with LDRA Certification Services (LCS),
The IVV is a critical step for FACE conformant products; in its announcement, LDRA states that the IVV is aimed at ensuring that its joint customers in defense and aerospace are able to reduce risks, lower costs, and speed time-to-field for their airborne platforms.
The U.S. government has mandated that new procurements must comply with the Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA). As defined by The Open Group's FACE Consortium, FACE technical and business practices establish a standardized common operating environment to support portable capabilities across avionics systems. Software vendors that are deemed compliant to the FACE standard are better able to meet the industry’s need for software reuse, effective interoperability, and rapid upgrades while maintaining affordability and controlled life cycle costs.