Requirements traceability tasks automated with test management extension from Visure
NewsFebruary 29, 2012

NUREMBERG, Germany. Engineers at Visure Solutions in Madrid, Spain integrated test management into its new IRQA requirements engineering tool. The new feature enables validation of requirements for safety-critical software designers involved in military and commercial avionics DO-178B certification and other mission-critical applications. The IRQA tool automates requirements traceability with tests that provide proof points necessary for regulatory certification. Visure is demonstrating their Test Management Extension in Hall 4, Stand 418 at Embedded World this week.
Most software designers use requirements tools and test suites that are not bidirectionally traceable to test results even though that is a common mandate. When the tools and test suites are disconnected designers have to perform manual traceability often using clunky commercial tools such as Word or Excel, says Fernando Valera, IRQA Product Manager of Visure Solutions. IRQA provides “a more professional alternative to Excel.”
Visure’s new Test Management Extension links the specific tests with the specific requirements they have to validate. The tool then manages the process, identifying the requirements that have and have not yet been tested then pinpointing those tests that need to be run again due to changes in the requirements. The previous manual tasks are now automated, saving time and costs.
The Test Management Extension interacts with any test environment that works with Python scripting from the command line, including HP LoadRunner, IBM Rational Functional and Performance Tester, Selenium, and Microfocus Silk family. Legacy requirements and test results also can be imported to leverage requirements and test efforts that have already been undertaken manually or in other tools.
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