Helicopter makers garner NATO next-generation rotorcraft study contracts
NewsJuly 26, 2024

BRUSSELS. NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) awarded three Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC) contracts to Airbus, Leonardo, and Lockheed Martin Sikorsky, paving the way for the helicopter manufacturers to undertake "detailed platform concept studies" as NATO seeks to deliver a new class of medium-lift military helicopters between 2035 and 2040.
The three contractors will give NSPA independent perspectives on potential integrated platform concepts that can meet the NGRC challenge, as NATO aims to identify and exploit cutting-edge technologies to meet the NGRC operational and supportability capabilities and seeks innovation in digital design and development processes and advanced materials and manufacturing.
The NATO press release said that "The launch of Concept Study #5 is a significant milestone for the NGRC concept stage activities and demonstrates NSPA’s dedication to meet the challenge of next generation medium lift for Participating Nations. The strategy to launch 3 parallel contracts awarded by competition delivers on our commitment to maximise industry expertise, opportunity and engagement in the program, and will provide a broad range of potential concepts in the study results for our multinational customers."
In addition, NATO officials stated that France, Germany, the U.K., the U.S., Ireland, and Italy are involved in the project via the different partner companies, with each partner contributing to the high-performance rotorcraft study in its area of expertise: helicopter design, systems integration, connectivity, weapons and effectors, avionics, and sensors. The concepts are intended to be modular, multimission, and fully interoperable with NATO standards, with a high degree of connectivity and resilient communication system.