Military Embedded Systems

Rad-tolerant memory card released by Aitech


April 18, 2023

Dan Taylor

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

Rad-tolerant memory card released by Aitech
Image courtesy Aitech

CHATSWORTH, California. Aitech Systems has released a new radiation-tolerant 3U memory card, the company announced in a statement.

The company released the S993, "a radiation-tolerant 3U CompactPCI memory card that provides up to 1 TB of on-board storage Space NAND flash with all 8 NAND modules installed for a variety of space applications," the company says.

The card is capable of flash memory for data storage in both in-orbit spaceflight and downlink communications to stations on Earth, the statement reads.

"The space-rated memory card includes built-in hardware error detection and correction (EDAC) to correct single-bit errors and detect double-bit errors as well as offers a low single event upset (SEU)-rate and high latch up immunity," the statement adds.

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