Military Embedded Systems

Radar simulator with eight switchable delays in L, S, C, X, and Ku radar bands


October 11, 2018

John McHale

Editorial Director

Military Embedded Systems

Radar simulator with eight switchable delays in L, S, C, X, and Ku radar bands

The Series 3000 radar range simulator from Eastern OptX can be used for radar test to provide multiple programmable delays with front panel and/or remote computer control. Engineers leveraged electro-optics (EO) fiber-optic technology to overcome the shortcomings in projects that include a...

The Series 3000 radar range simulator from Eastern OptX can be used for radar test to provide multiple programmable delays with front panel and/or remote computer control. Engineers leveraged electro-optics (EO) fiber-optic technology to overcome the shortcomings in projects that include acoustic, digital, and coaxial transmission delay such as quantization errors, triple transit time, and dispersion. The radar range simulator features ultra-wide bandwidth, low loss, high isolation, and high dynamic range. It is available with time delays up to 500 (Mu)sec and a top-end frequency of 40 GHz. It has as many as eight switchable delays and is available in L, S, C, X, and Ku radar bands. Eastern OptX built the radar test system for applications such as radar target simulation, signal-processing extension of radar range sites, and phase noise measurements

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Eastern OptX

710 East Main Street
Moorestown, New Jersey 08057