Battlespace-connectivity exercise accomplished by Collins Aerospace, Utah Air National Guard
NewsAugust 25, 2021
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa. Collins Aerospace reports that it has successfully demonstrated advanced communication, mission computing, and sensor technologies to support CJADC2 [Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control] and ABMS [Advanced Battle Management] technologies for the Utah Air National Guard at the Roland R. Wright Air National Guard Base in Salt Lake City.
According to a release from Collins Aerospace,the demonstration showed how integrated technologies and joint connectivity can provide troops with the actionable data and increased situational awareness they need to make fast, informed decisions when in evolving threat conditions against adversaries who use sophisticated cyber tools.
Information from the company reveals that the Collins "Rosetta" message-processing software and Multiple Level Security (MLS) system was able to capture and encrypt data, retain its respective security levels, and then send the messages to those leading and/or executing the mission in the moment. Collins also adapted a MOSA [Modular Open Systems Architecture] approach with its mission processor to showcase a large improvement in situational awareness with its next generation of cockpit integration, edge computing, and containerization.
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