Signal Corps training system gets Phase II funding from U.S. Army
NewsDecember 11, 2023

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Technology R&D provider Charles River Analytics won a $1.7 million Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract with the U.S. Army to create an intelligent system for training signal personnel on communications and information systems.
According to the company's announcement of the latest contract, the Charles River team was successful during the project's Phase I feasibility study and is now working on a system to help enhance the Army’s training content for the Radio Signaleer Course with interactive experiences and real-time feedback. The Radio Signaleer Course teaches Signal Corps soldiers such skills as how to design and encrypt communications networks and configure radios.
Charles River reports that -- in conjunction with partners CAE USA and PatchPlus Consulting, Charles River is building what it terms "Simulated ISR Gaming in a Motivational Adaptive Training Environment" (SIGMATE) in its KWYN artificial intelligence (AI) portfolio. KWYN SIGMATE operates on the Army’s existing training software, so instead of modifying the product’s code, it uses artifacts that the software already produces to track what the user is doing, with a training overlay to guide trainees as they complete the exercises and learn the material.
Company officials say that KWYN SIGMATE expands the possibilities for how and where to train, thereby saving time and aiding force readiness by ensuring that signal soldiers stay current on any updates as technology and threats evolve.