OpenVPX modules from Mercury Systems are aligned with SOSA, designed to accelerate critical avionics applications
ProductJuly 15, 2021

ANDOVER, Mass. Mercury Systems has launched a new line of safety-certifiable 3U OpenVPX SOSA aligned avionics modules that are aimed at accelerating critical avionics applications and streamlining subsystem development and platform safety certification.
The rugged modules -- built to handle processing, video, storage, and power -- feature modular commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) elements complete with hardware and software artifacts. The DO-178-certifiable developmental board support packages (BSPs) support Green Hills Software, Lynx Software Technologies, WindRiver, and other real-time operating system (RTOS) software to aid in integration and streamline the certification process.
One module in the product lineup is the SBC3515-S module, which the company says is the first certifiable Intel Core i7 single-board computer with the latest-generation processor on the market and can deliver as much as 40 times better performance than traditional safety-certifiable processing boards.