MOSA strategy key to Bell Textron's addition of SNC to Invictus project
NewsApril 28, 2022

FORT WORTH, Texas. Military rotorcraft maker Bell Textron has signed a teaming agreement with Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) that will add SNC to the Bell Textron team that is working on the Bell 360 Invictus competitive prototype as part of the U.S. Army’s Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) program.
As part of the teaming agreement, SNC will support integration of a modular open systems approach (MOSA) to the build; according to the companies' announcement, Bell’s MOSA strategy uses an open architecture digital backbone that enables cost-effective integration of currently fielded mission system equipment while readying the aircraft for future mission system upgrades.
Bell Textron announced in November 2021 that it expected the helicopter to be ready around the end of 2022.